Poli Museo della Grappa

Poli Grappa Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie


"Grappa's labels: what does the consumer understand?"

It is not always easy to create effective messages for the consumer for those who have specific training on grappa tasting and a technical point of view: the background of the common customer is different. New methods of sensory analysis help to understand how the buyer can be guided according to his taste.


Manuela Violoni graduated in Communication Studies at Bologna University. Violoni specialized in sensory analysis performed through coordinating and conducting tests, ranging from the customer’s first briefing to presenting a final report. Violoni’s work also involves designing new and innovative test procedures dealing with packaging analysis, environment sensorial analysis, test on the emotional impact of the product, tests on no-food products and tests on consumers. Since 2003 she has collaborated with the Tasters Studies Centre in Brescia.

  • Title:
    • Le etichette della Grappa: cosa capisce il consumatore?
  • Author:
    • Violoni Manuela
  • Year:
    • 2009