Poli Museo della Grappa

Poli Grappa Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie


"Grappa in Friuli Venezia Giulia"

Before starting to talk about the relatively short recent history of grappa, that is of the marc brandy, it is first of all necessary to find the origin of brandy in general, actually of the first type of brandy obtained from the distillation of fermented wine. According to the very little existing information that we have, it has been the Salerno School, founded according to the legend in the ninth century, that thanks to the research of its members, they have been able to get out the brandy from wine, a flammable liquid, very strong, able to disinfect injuries and even a "unique and fast remedy for tall the frigid diseases”, as a famous doctor wrote some centuries later.

  • Title:
    • La Grappa nel Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Author:
    • Formentini Michele
  • Year:
    • 1990