First courses
6 people
Antica Hostaria Pacetti - Genova
About 30 minutes


250 g red prawns
250 g squid or cuttlefish
1 kg mussels
500 g fish soup
1 gurnard
1 lobster
2 stalks of celery
2 onions
2 carrots
1 clove of garlic
1 bay leaf
50 g butter
1 shot Grappa
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 sachets of saffron
1 pinch of paprika
1 lemon peel
Salt q.s.


First clean all the fish, peel the prawns and open mussels with steam.
The gurnard must be cut in slices of about a finger thickness.
Put on the fire a large pot of water with a stalk of celery, onion and a bay leaf, boil for a few minutes, then add the fish head capon and the fish soup, which then will be passed through a sieve.
Meanwhile, chop apart one onion, carrot, a clove of garlic and a stalk of celery that you will fry in butter and oil, then add the squid, fish capon, cut lobster in trance, prawns and mussels without shell with part of their water.
After putting the fish in the order listed above, add two sachets of saffron, a pinch of paprika, the lemon peel, salt and a generous glass of Grappa and the fish passed through a sieve. 
Bring it to cooking and serving.