Poli Museo della Grappa

Poli Grappa Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie

Agnolotti carnici


Soak the raisins in warm water. Clean, wash and boil spinach along with a handful of parsley leaves, then drain and squeeze dry, then chop finely. Put them in a bowl, add a couple of handfuls of rye bread crumbled and sprinkled with a dollop of Grappa, grated chocolate, squeezed raisins, chopped cedar and a pinch of cinnamon.
Beat egg yolk in a bowl with a spoonful of sugar. When it  becomes frothy, add it to mixture and mix with care. Prepare as usual the pasta noodles (4 eggs and white flour),  make a thin sheet out of it and cut it in discs: fill each one with a little of "pistum" (filling) and close the disc in half, leaving a small board, which then will turn on the dough, closing the filling  well.
This fold is the characteristic of the "cialzons." Boil them in salted boiling water and when they emerge, drain with a slotted spoon and place them in layers in a bowl, seasoning each layer with smoked ricotta.
Finally, pour the melted butter over the agnolotti, sprinkling with a little sugar and grated Carnia  cheese.

Recommended Grappa:
Sarpa di Poli

Recipe from the book "Grappa & Cucina. Nella tradizione delle Venezie".

  • Ingredients:

    500 g fresh spinach 
    400 g white flour
    50 g raisin
    50 g candied citron peel
    5 eggs
    About 100 g butter
    Grated smoked ricotta
    Carnia cheese for grating
    Granulated sugar
    Stale rye bread
    Powdered cinnamon
    50 g chocolate tablet


  • Author:
    • Sergio Grove, Galliano Rosset, Amedeo Sandri
  • Typology:
    • First Courses
  • Preparation time:
    • About 45 minutes
  • Notes:
    • In the traditional way, there are two main ingredients that should not be missing in the preparation of cialzon carnici: smoked ricotta or “scuète fumade” and “de sorc bread”, rye bread.