Poli Museo della Grappa

Poli Grappa Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie

Tagliatelle with chicken livers


Grind the bacon finely with three, four leaves of sage, shallot and the leaves of a sprig of rosemary.
Grind  a small piece of cinnamon and  three/four cloves.
Chop the livers, then stir-fry in a pan with three tablespoons of  oil flavored with a clove of garlic, flame it  with a glass of Grappa and then drain them in a colander.
Meanwhile, put a large saucepan on the fire with enough water to cook the pasta, and a second saucepan with the butter and pesto bacon.
Put the livers previously drained into the bowl, add salt and flavor them with the powder of cinnamon and cloves, adding  three spoonful of meat sauce and half a cup of broth.
Boil the tagliatelle  in boiling salted water and stir-fry together with the compound of their livers adding a spoonful of grated Vezzena and a pinch of chopped parsley.
Serve up on hot dishes accompanied with other grated Vezzena.

Recommended Grappa:
Sarpa di Poli

Recipe from the book "Grappa & Cucina. Nella tradizione delle Venezie".

  • Ingredients:

    350 g fresh Tagliatelle
    300 g chicken livers
    80 g bacon
    20 g butter
    Olive oil
    Chopped parsley
    Beef broth
    Vezzena grated



  • Author:
    • Sergio Boschetto, Galliano Rosset, Amedeo Sandri
  • Typology:
    • First Courses
  • Preparation time:
    • About 45 minutes
  • Notes:
    • Traditional Venetian recipe, called in the local dialect "tajadele with figadini".