Poli Museo della Grappa

Poli Grappa Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie

Quails with spirit


If present, remove the last hair from the quails, wash and pad them dry. Stuff each quail with salami meat  and then sew the opening with kitchen twine.
Wrap each bird in a slice of bacon (place a sage leaf between the quail and the bacon), then use a skewer for 2 quails.
Put a non-stick pan on low heat for a few minutes, place the quails in it, browning on all sides and stirring very carefully from time to time.
Sprinkle with Grappa and evaporate.
Fry chopped shallots in butter in a saucepan, add the quails, sprinkle some white wine on the quails and add the chopped rosemary leaves.
Add salt and pepper with discretion, then cover and lightly simmer for half an hour, basting from time to time with hot bouillon.

Recommended Grappa:
PO' di Poli Aromatica

Recipe from the book "Grappa & Cucina. Nella tradizione delle Venezie".

  • Ingredients:

    8 large plucked and eviscerated quails
    250 g fresh salami meat
    25 g butter
    8 thin slices of bacon
    3 shallots
    1 shot of Grappa
    White dry wine
    A little white flour

  • Author:
    • Sergio Boschetto, Galliano Rosset, Amedeo Sandri
  • Typology:
    • Second courses
  • Preparation time:
    • About 40 minutes
  • Notes:
    • Traditional Venetian dish, called in the local dialect "quaie spiritose".