A "fragrant" Grappa

Wild Strawberry


Wild Strawberry

Plant Part:


Plant Properties:

astringent, antireumatiche, diuretic, purifying, antidiarrheal, refreshing, anti-gouty, detoxifying, antioxidant, antiulcerant, alleviates haemorrhoids, invigorating, remineralizing


Already the name of Fragaria vesca (strawberry) indicates the extraordinary fragrance of this fruit that was known since ancient times, so much that Virgil himself quoted it in his "Eclogues".
But this fruit reached its greatest fame in the eighteenth century, when Linnaeus extolled it as a sovereign remedy against gout.
Linnaeus himself who was suffering from gout could be completely cured because of the extensive consumption of these strawberries.
This discovery was quickly known in Upsala (town where Linnaeus lived) and all persons suffering from gout started looking for strawberries, so that their price on the market increased significantly.

Whether it serves as anti-gout or not, fact is, that today the strawberry is still very famous among the most cultivated and eaten fruits. This is mainly because of their fragrance and those beneficial properties derived from the fact that it is a fruit that contains simple sugars and a reasonable amount of vitamin C.

The unique flavor and aroma of wild strawberry is not easily transferred to grappa, unless you take some basic precautions.



- 150 g sugar
- 300 g ripe strawberries
- The zest of a whole lemon
- 1 liter of Grappa


The procedure is as follows: you have to cover 300 g of ripe fruits and the zest of a whole lemon with sugar (approximately 150 g) and leave it in a bottle in a sunny place until the strawberries are completely macerated (you will need a month or even more).
Add a liter of Grappa and leave in the sun for other two months, shaking the container occasionally.
Then filter the liqueur and let it age for three months. When it took a pale pink color, it will be ready to drink.