Grappa & comunicazione


"Grappa & communication"

This book originates from reports prepared for the meeting «Grappa & Communication»  that took place in Greve di Chianti on 13 September 1997. From the time of being to the time of appearing, going through the time of having: that's how some sociologists described, in a nutshell, the values that characterized different historical periods of our society. Grappa, the most Italian of spirits, went through all of them and, although no chamaleon, has adapted its  communication means and styles to always present itself as a reason for joy to our people. In this book, the 5th in the series sponsored by Centro Documentazione Grappa Luigi Bonollo, the history of Grappa communication, told in an interesting and fascinating way, is the right introduction for a broad discussion on Grappa's market, planning, communication control and creation of brand image as part of  the modern concept of marketing. It is an important topic, to develop carefully so as to allow our distillate to strengthen and increase its well deserved success on both national and foreign markets, at a not very easy time for spirits: in such a context the writings of the authoritative experts who produced this monograph will certainly be a decisive help to the whole sector.




Biographical Notes:

The work offers a comprehensive classification of all Italian grappas, furthermore it contains informations on different vines, on quality and distillation techniques.
