Grappa & consumatore
"Grappa & consumers"
Grappa and consumers. This is the central theme in the tenth edition of the volumes edited by Centro Documentazione Grappa Luigi Bonollo, which have become over the years a timely reference for experts, with the now traditional date called "Grappa day". A theme that may appear obvious to the layman - like all products, Grappa is meant to be marketed and consumed - but offers a range of assessments only in minimal part rational and largely related to the emotional sphere, with a combination of sensory, convivial, semantic and experience-based connections. An evolution in itself, which occurred in the last 25 years and witnesses a true revolution of the image the Italian distillate par excellence enjoys with its enthusiasts: from a 'poor' and 'heroic' product with a dry taste, strongly linked to an almost stereotypical masculinity, to a softer, round, aromatic product, drunk in 'good restaurants', through a 'feminization' process that has extended the connoisseurs parterre to the fair sex and to young people without, however, demeaning the archetypal image of honesty and simplicity, of personality and authenticity, and reassuring slowness compared to the frenzy of modern life. These and other considerations are developed, as usual, in a clear and essential contribution, containing a preliminary review of the economical 'numbers' of Grappa - updated on the previous edition - and a subsequent in-depth reading, from a sociological point of view, of the relationship between our national distillate and its widespread appraisers.
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