Sistema produttivo Veneto: crescita di una piccola impresa Distilleria Poli


"The Veneto production system: growth of a small company, Distilleria Poli

This work aims at analyzing briefly some aspects of the production system in the North-East, in particular the Veneto region, which has aroused considerable interest in recent years due to the considerable employment, production and commercial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), its economic backbone. The work attempts to collect and highlight, although briefly, the set of circumstances that led to the entrepreneurial success of the Veneto region as a whole. The attention then moves to a specific case of industrial development in the Vicenza area: DISTILLERIA POLI. This company analysis will be used to verify in practice the validity of the "entrepreneurial formula", i.e. the set of strategic choices about market, technology, company size and others, that enable an entrepreneur to exploit a specific advantage against the competition. In other words, the complex reasons of the entrepreneurial success of Distilleria Poli, established in the late 19th century as a small family business and now present both on the national and international market. The research is carried out in two parts. The first part, as mentioned above, will cover the Veneto region industrial development and an attempt will be made to satisfactorily explain the causes of such an accelerated and specific industrialization process, trying not so much to list parameters, such as production types and volumes, plant size, etc., but rather to understand how a system of favourable conditions was developed over the years, leading to Veneto's economic reality. An important "model" for the entire national economy and much farther away than might be thought from the stereotypical view of a system made up only of small businesses. We shall also talk about the shortcomings in innovation management and management culture, very often shown by smaller companies. We will then define the challenges that smaller companies should be prepared for, in the light of global economic changes linked to issues such as markets globalization. The second part, more empirical, will look at the growth of Distilleria Poli, with the help of a number of company documents and of some direct experiences within the company itself.

All this, in order to identify the reasons for a success tied to an interstitial type of market, looking with special attention at the ability to propose at international level a typical product of the North East, such as Grappa, and touching possible organizational and operational issues. Finally, we will try to delineate the future prospects of Distilleria Poli so that it can maintain its current success and expand it, by exploiting the new advantage factors resulting from the technological and competitive scenario that is now unfolding.
