According to the latest ISTAT figures, the export of Grappa has grown by 16% in the first nine months of 2012.
In such a critical moment for the italian economy, this product has succeeded to spread not only on the national market, but also abroad.
Looking in the detail, the bottled product sales have risen by 10% whereas the unbottled one has hit + 33%.
This positive trend can be especially noticed in the EU countries, above all in Germany (+ 11%) and The Netherlands (+ 3%).
Outside the EU, a significant result can be found in Canada with + 14%.
Assodistil outlines that the export market is likely to lead the whole spirits' business to a more significant competitiveness,
offering new chances and opportunities to italian companies.
Thanks to the excellent job done by italian companies which have been promoting its values, history and tradition,
Grappa confirms itself once again as a sophisticated spirit, which is higly appreciated in the whole world and able to boost export sales.