Second courses
4 people
Guido Ghersi, Gianfranco Greco - Levanto
About 20 minutes


1 kg cernia o altro pesce da taglio
Mezzo bicchiere d'olio
1 spicchio d'aglio
1 ciuffetto di prezzemolo
Qualche cipollina in agrodolce
1 bicchiere di Grappa invecchiata
Sale q. b.
Pepe q. b.


Clean the grouper and cut some slices. Season the with olive oil, garlic and parsley in a pan.
Add a pinch of pepper.
Arrange the slices of fish on sheets of aluminium; add some onion above all slices, pour a full  tablespoon of aged Grappa, close the various aluminum foils and move the pan to the oven to finish the cooking.
Send to the table in their aluminum foil.