Poli Museo della Grappa

Poli Grappa Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie


"Grappa and its flavours"

Grappa as a protagonist in the kitchen. Condemned for a long time to play a low-key role, Grappa has finally overcome the traditional stereotypes that see it linked exclusively to the rural world: now a fine liqueur, to drink at the end of a meal or in any other occasion, it can well be, together with other ingredients, a key component in the creation of excellent Italian dishes. The recipes, offered by a group of talented chefs from well known restaurants, will meet, I am certain, the approval of readers.  

Toni Sarcina


  • Title:
    • La Grappa e i suoi sapori
  • Author:
    • Bottega S. - Savio G.
  • Year:
    • 1994