Una Grappa da influenza

Cowslip, Common Cowslip


Cowslip, Common Cowslip




aromatiche, antireumatiche, diuretiche, espettoranti, nervine, lassative, calmanti, vasoprotettrici, antiartritiche, diaforetiche, antinevralgiche, decongestionanti


"Primula Veris dicitur a primo vere ...", was written in the seventeenth century by the Genuine key flower (as one of the first plants so extensive) as it was considered as a sign for the return of the spring.
The first to deal seriously with the medical aspects of this plant was Hildegard von Bingen, Benedictine abbess, who called the plant "Herba Paralisis" and considered it a suitable remedy for "accidents" and for curing melancholia.

In addition to the melancholy, later it was also thought that the plant would help heart patients, that is why Mattioli wrote "... the plant is useful for heart weakness ... it strengthens and fortifies the heart in an extraordinary way".
The effect, which is attributed to the common cowslip, is above all of its root, which is mucolytic due to the contained amounts of saponins. This dilutes the secretion and the coughing is facilitated. These drugs can also lead to a cardiovascular effect (due to their chemical structure) but this has still to be verified.

However, a popular application is firmly established (especially in Northern Europe), where the common cowslip are used to aromatize wine and beer.
The only thing that remains is to use the common cowslip, especially the flowers, for the flavoring of a Grappa: this will be very aromatic, a pale yellow color (like the flower) and a pleasantly sweetish sweet taste.



- una manciata di fiori Primula odorosa
- 1 litro di Grappa
- buccia di mezzo limone


Si mettono una manciata di fiori in un litro di Grappa lasciandoli macerare al caldo e all'ombra per quindici giomi agitando spesso la bottiglia.
Si aggiungerà la buccia di mezzo limone e si lascerà riposare il tutto per altri quindici giomi prima di filtrare.
La stagionatura deve essere di cinque mesi.
La Grappa di primula cosi ottenuta andrà bevuta calda con una scorza di limone proprio nei casi di «raffreddamento» delle vie respiratorie.

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