Poli Grappa-Museum

Poli Grappa-Museum

Poli Distillerie

Poli Distillerie


"Grappa: neue Kommunikationsstrategien"

Vom Luxussymbol bis zum Symbol der Eleganz, der Pfad ist lange, der das Gesicht des Grappas in den letzten zwanzig Jahren verändert hat. Dies wurde anhand von zwanzig Ausgaben von Grappa & Co aufgezeigt. Tasting, mit Hilfe von Hundert Konsumententests konnten zukünftige Konsumenten identifiziert und neue Strategien, um dem Markt zu begegnen, bestimmt werden.   


Biographische Notizen:

Luigi Odello – Oenologist. Born in 1951 in Murazzano, near Cuneo. At twenty, he becomes oenotechnician at the Alba School and soon after, starts working in a company active in the field of adjuvants, technologies, and publications for the wine & food industry. His career achievements culminate with office of Chief Sales Director. In his professional capacity, in addition to duties on the National market, he has supervised and assisted the French, Spanish and Austrian branches of his company, gaining a deep knowledge of the beverages and food world of these Countries. He further extended his knowledge with several trips to the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States of America and almost all East-European Countries. In 1990, after 17 years of work for the same Company, he founded a consulting firm focused on beverages and food products, dealing primarily with quality systems, sensory analysis, technological innovation, and communication.

  • Vollständiger Titel:
    • Grappa: le nuove strategie nella comunicazione
  • Autor:
    • Odello Luigi
  • Jahr:
    • 2008