Catalogo Bolaffi delle Grappe


"Bolaffi catalogue of grappas"

This Bolaffi Catalogue of grappas and fruit brandies, one in a long series of oenological catalogues, introduces readers to a good number of products and comes from a long and painstaking research, with the inevitable imperfections that characterize first editions.  No doubt there are many products that, despite being entitled to, do not appear in this volume. The reasons are manifold: failure to report them by the producers themselves, difficulty in obtaining data, documentation received too late. The book gives, together with  the bottle's photograph, the manufacturer's details, the grape marcs used, the type of  distillation, the ageing, if any, the alcohol content and the bottle type and price.  It ends with a brief organoleptic examination.


Biographical Notes:

This Bolaffi Catalogue of grappas and fruit brandies introduces readers to a good number of products and comes from a long and painstaking research.
