Polifenoli totali nelle bucce di uve rosse
"Total polyphenols in red grape skins"
Polyphenols are among the most important compounds present in fruit. They are mainly contained in the pulp, seeds and skins. The polyphenol content is strongly influenced by the degree of maturation, by temperature, the presence of light and the vine variety. In this study attention was focused on the total polyphenol content of grape skins during vine maturation from August to September in the 2009-2010 vintage. Four red grape (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties were taken into consideration: Alicante, black Malvasia, Nerello and Prunesta, grown in the Tyrrhenian part of the Reggio Calabria province (Southern Italy). The Folin- Ciocalteu colorimetric method was used, followed by spectrophotometer reading. The analyses showed clear differences in the total content of polyphenols among the four vine varieties. All varieties show a typical pattern, with increasing polyphenol content up to 16 September, followed by a decrease from 16 to 23 September.
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